Director Desk

Young children define India, Truly the future of this country.

A Preamble fot the future..

Smt. Meena N Jindal, Promoter managing Director of jack 'n' jill, has been working incessantly for the cause of making quality education available in Chhattisgarh.

A simple person with a holistic view of life, she is an active social activist and is associated with a number of social projects.She is of the view that quality education must be provided right from the kindergarten years of education in order to make a strong foundation for the life.Smt. Meena jindal is also the promoter and trustee of the jain international school, a world class school at Bilaspur(C.G). “Young children define India, truly the future of this country. In order to make this country a global power house, we need to convert its one billion population into an educated intellectual capital of the country. Without doubt, education will define the future course of Chattisgarh, and indeed, India.

We have a strong commitment in providing good quality education to the young children. With a clear focus to strengthen the roots of the youth, its primary years of education, we have launched the Jack n Jill – the future ready international school.

We want the children in our care to grow and flourish into productive human beings, with an international outlook rooted in Indian tradition. The objective is not to merely educate the kids but to imbibe in them a zeal for life long learning; an urge to make a difference to things and people around them.”

"Young children define India, Truly the future of this country.

In order to make this country a global power house, we need to convert its one billion population into an educated intellectual capital of the country. Without doubt, education will define the future course of Chhattisgarh, and indeed India.

We have a strong commitment in providing good quality education to the young children .With a clear focus to strengthen the roots of the youth, its primary years of education, we have launched Jack 'n' Jill-the future ready international school. we went the children in our care to grow and flourish into productive human beings ,with an international outlook rooted in Indian tradition. The objective is not to merely educate the kids but to imbibe in them a zeal for life-long learning; an urge to make a difference to things and people around them."