Campus.... Fantasy Land

Story book pictures and fantasy land is yourchils's world. That why, the jack 'n' Jill, castle - like campus is designed to be a focal point of attraction for kids. It hosts a number of facilities making it truly an International kindergrten .

Child Friendly Campus

The concept of the architecture of the campus is based on the principal of anthropometrics and ergonomics.

For Instance

Ramp for kids to walk-up | cushion-flooring | Modular furniture of international design with no edges | Low height sinks | Bright lighting, air-conditioning & heat-reflecting glasses | Large windows, sprawling lawns and vast open play areas | Digital class-rooms

Safety Features

Medical room with trained staff, fire extinguishers, multiple exists, close circuit cameras...

Activity Room

It’s the fun place for your child. this is the place which will see their creativity soar with fun filled conception.

Kid’s Gym

Conducted under professional guidance, it is based on the principles of occupation therapy and massage, which helps in improving the sensory-m0tor integration and small & large muscle coordination.

Mini Theatre and Autio Visual Room

Multimedia sessions for children are arranged here. We have vast collection of interactive compact discs, DVDs, etc.

Water Play

A combination of Ball Pool, Sand pit and Splash Pool. In the expansive garden and open area of school campus is the delight of kids.

Learning Resource Centre

This has a special collection of story books, work books, creative tools, teaching aids, audio tapes, video films, educational and reference books.

Air Conditioned Classroom

The thematic designs of hexagonal shaped air conditioned classrooms will make learning all the more exciting.