Is a play school important......
Certainly..... today all child and developmental psychologists agree that a play school is an impotrant part of the child's life.They play a key role in his or her development and also help to ease separation anxiety. The first day of school can be quite traumatic for a child.suddenly,he is thrust into a strange world from the warm cocoon that is home. to ease this transition,play schools come into the fore front.They prepare children to face the world, as they are more self-confidant and independent, the have improved interpersonal skills and better vocabulary...
Moreover,they provide parents with an external support system in terms of enhancing the child's developmental skill. In addition, parents get an opportunity to interact with other parents and keep in touch with different approaches of parenting. Parents also have a chance to observe other children and trus, have a point of reference for judging their own child's behavior.